Pronouncements on FATA Merger and Integration ASPIRE-KP Symposium, Peshawar, 29th September, 2024

In a recent symposium convened by ASPIRE-KP, a collective of political and civil society representatives, tribal elders, academicians, former bureaucrats, journalists, and students from the Merged Districts (erstwhile FATA), came together to address the pressing challenges faced by this region. Since the historic merger of FATA into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) in 2018, the region’s potential for peace, development, and integration into Pakistan’s socio-economic fabric has been met with new obstacles. The symposium, an initiative of ASPIRE-KP’s Advocacy for Sustainable Policy and Implementation Reforms, outlined both the difficulties and the proposed way forward.

Key challenges being faced by the Merged Districts

Six years after the 25th Amendment, the promise of peace and development remains unfulfilled for the Merged Districts. Participants at the symposium voiced deep concerns about the following key challenges being faced by the Merged Districts:

  • Resurgence of Terrorism: The mainstreaming of erstwhile FATA aimed to bring peace and security essential for development, economic growth, and social progress. Six years later, the recent terrorism resurgence has reignited concerns about the region’s stability and progress.
  • Insufficient Funding: The Federation and Federating Units’ unfulfilled commitments for recurrent expenditure and development hinder progress.
  • Inadequate Governance: The Merged Districts struggle with significant governance challenges, including weak institutional frameworks, limited administrative capacity, and poor inter-agency coordination, continue to impede governance in the region.
  • Justice Delivery Deficits: Erstwhile FATA’s justice system remains inadequate, marked by limited court access, inefficient dispute resolution, insufficient legal aid, prolonged case resolution delays, and lack of protection for vulnerable groups, including women and children.
  • Limited Job Opportunities: Unemployment exacerbates socio-economic issues, necessitating urgent attention.
  • Unsatisfactory Service Delivery in Education Sector: Inadequate infrastructure, outdated curricula, and insufficient qualified teachers hamper educational outcomes, aggravating regional disparities.
  • Unsatisfactory Service Delivery in Health Sector: Inadequate healthcare infrastructure, shortage of qualified professionals, and limited access to essential medicines and services compromise healthcare quality, increasing morbidity and mortality.
  • Non-Empowerment of Local Governments and Lack of Devolution: The persistent centralized grip on authority and resources impedes local governments’ ability to effectively address local needs, aggravating socio-economic disparities.

Proposals for Way Forward

Recognizing the urgent need to honor the commitments undertaken towards the people of erstwhile FATA, which underpin the spirit of the 25th Amendment enacted in 2018, it is imperative to reaffirm the Federation’s dedication to translate these assurances into tangible actions. To address these challenges, the symposium put forth a series of actionable proposals, urging both the Federal and Provincial Governments to collaborate on meaningful reforms. Some of the key solutions proposed include:

  • Addressing the Peace and Security Imperative: Addressing the pressing issue of peace and security requires immediate attention and collective effort from the Federal and Provincial Governments. It is crucial to confront this challenge head-on and explore dialogue and reconciliation as a viable solution. While history shows that such peace talks can be lengthy and protracted, this should not discourage us from persistently pursuing this path.
  • Federal Funding Allocation: The Federal Government should fulfil its commitment to allocate the promised 3% of the Divisible Pool on a yearly basis and settle outstanding payments due to deficient funding by the Federal Government and non-funding by Punjab, Sindh, and Baluchistan since 2019.
  • Transparent Funding for Erstwhile FATA: The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa should reassure other provinces that their allocated funds will exclusively support projects in the erstwhile FATA region. This can be achieved through a separate Escrow Account or a temporary Account V.
  • Addressing Public Safety, Governance and Justice Issues: Immediate steps must be taken to address gaps in governance, justice delivery and law enforcement by improving institutional capacity in the Merged Districts. No matter how grand the reform agenda for improved governance, it would need a dedicated team of local administrators for its effective implementation. Therefore, the most honest and competent Deputy Commissioners, District Police Officers and Sessions Judges should be posted in the Merged Districts for a tenure of at least two years.
  • Strengthening Conflict Resolution: The role of district judiciary and administration in conflict resolution by the effective implementation of Alternative Dispute Resolution laws is indeed vital. However, the maintenance of public peace in erstwhile FATA also necessitates that the quintessential tribal traditions for conflict resolution be given legal sanctity in conformity with the constitutional stipulations.
  • Facilitating Cross-border Trade: The institution of border-control regime at the border crossing points in ex FATA has greatly diminished livelihood opportunities through informal trade. In order to compensate such livelihood diminution, there is a pressing need to open conventional trade routes in the Merged Districts for cross-border trade with Afghanistan.
  • Resolving Outstanding Issues through CCI: The Provincial government should immediately make a request for convening an urgent meeting of CCI to discuss unresolved issues of the Merged Areas. Rigorous evidence-based engagement with the Federal Government under NFC regarding erstwhile FATA funding to unlock the arrears accumulated over years and to bring greater predictability in timely transfer of funds to the province, is direly needed.
  • Addressing TDP Issues: The Federal Government should address unresolved issues of Temporarily Displaced Persons (TDPs), ensuring their safe return and rehabilitation. Similarly, reconstruction of remaining damaged properties must be completed on war footings.
  • Aaddressing the Gaps affecting service delivery issues in Education and Health Sectors: Urgent attention is needed to address the gaps affecting service delivery in the education and health sectors in ex-FATA. To tackle this, the government should prioritize improving teacher quality, infrastructure, and access to education, especially for disadvantaged communities. Provincial government must address limited access to healthcare and integrate health education into school curricula and community programs. To attract qualified public sector teachers and health professionals to serve in ex FATA, incentivized emoluments must be offered.
  • Accelerating Development Projects: The Provincial Government should expedite implementation of development projects in erstwhile FATA to address socio-economic challenges.
  • Economic Growth & Employment Opportunities: Provincial government to promote economic growth and job opportunities, focusing on sustainable development like Microfinance schemes, SMEs and financial inclusion through extended banking services etc.
  • Empowering Local Governments: Provincial Government should devolve powers and resources, build institutional capacity, ensure transparency and accountability, and provide adequate funding to Local Governments.
  • Promoting Women-Led Businesses: The Provincial Government should focus on financial inclusion for women, supporting Women-Led Businesses (WLBs) with access to capital, markets, and networks to drive economic growth and socio-economic development.
  • Tapping Mineral Potential: The Provincial Government should leverage the huge mineral sector potential in ex FATA and develop infrastructure, which will generate revenue and create job opportunities.
  • Implement a Comprehensive Land Settlement Process: The Provincial government should expedite the land settlement process in the Merged Areas on priority basis.
  • Urgent Resolution of Electricity and Gas Issues: The Federal government in consultation with the Provincial government must prioritize addressing the long-standing electricity and gas issues in erstwhile FATA. The region has historically suffered from inadequate access to essential services, compounding socio-economic challenges.

A Collective Commitment for Change

As the symposium concluded, participants reaffirmed their commitment to advocating for the rights and well-being of the people of the Merged Districts. The challenges are significant, but with the right strategies in place, these districts can finally experience the peace, progress, and prosperity that was envisioned six years ago.

The road ahead requires collective efforts from both the Federal and Provincial Governments, civil society, and the communities of the Merged Districts. By addressing these pressing issues head-on, Pakistan can build a brighter future for all its citizens.

A few snashopts from the event

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